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Track Event In Canada

New 5/13/05

Monday May 23, 2005 starting at 5:30pm at Shannonville Motorsports Park (it's a holiday in Canada).

It's a pay-per-lap event. $5 a lap or $20 for 5 laps. The track is about 2.5 miles in length. There is no safety inspection, no helmet required. All you need to do is sign a waiver.

There is a starter at the starting line who lets cars go one at a time spaced by about 30 seconds. The track is in a wide open field with no walls or trees to crash into so it is relatively safe.

The track's official page is www.shannonville.com

Here's more info from the Ontario SHO club forum archive: http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/shopower/vpost?id=117210

And Kirk, this place is about an hour or less from the I-81 border crossing.


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