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ATX Filter, SHO Vs. SLO

New 7/12/05

Hello, Does any one happen to have the part number for the Tranny Filter for the 97 SHO. Also is there a difference between the SHO filter and the SLO filter and what is it.


F5DZ*7A098*AA is the Ford part number, list is $33.00. Discount dealers should be around $20. As mentioned by others, if you go aftermarket, make sure the lip seal is orange.


I just went through this little exercise at Pep Boys. They stock Purolater and there are two filter numbers (1246 and 1247). When I went to the catalog, Purolater gave the part # for the SHO as 1247. I asked them to check the # against their computer data base and the computer said #1246. Soooooo, using the Mark I eyeball I opened the two boxes. In each of them Purolater had put a sheet explaining the differences between SHO and SLO and which filter also worked on the earlier gen SHO's. Basically the rubber washer on the filter neck differs in length. The gen III SHO uses the longest one and this was easy to see in box #1246. The color on the neck washer is an ugly orangish/brownish. This example was $21 and did not have a pan gasket. Purolater says to re-use the Ford Gasket.

Earl Plowman
98, All welded and fixed
by John Stoessel and at 91,000
running pretty darn good, thank you!

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